Xezatanor's Reviews & Ratings
To be honest this book is about a half-half for me. I love the artwork its beautiful but sadly the story is kind of odd. The main male literally is an extreme sadist who also be littles and treats the main female like garbage. I mean if your into this kind of thing then by all means you foubd your story. I mean there is some minor development storywise as more chapters release but i am hoping the main male will maybe change his attitude otherwise your going to likely get bored or disturbed.
This was so cute I am literally fan girl screaming from the cuteness. The story had a great appeal you typical romance manga but the characters had that romantic comedy feel to them too. The art work was also really good too! ^_^
At first I hated the guy for being so forceful. But nearing the end he really was just so sweet to her and truly loves her. This is just so cute and sweet! ^_^Note also some really steamy scenes too.
At first you want to hate the lead female but later you can't help see her love. But then you realize there is more to the story. It was a tear jerker and heart throb because eof the panic you felt wondering will they be together. It was an adorable story and I truly loved it! ^_^
This was a great read and really cute too. I was a little displeased with the he ending but otherwise it was a great read and very good at capturing the reader! ^_^
Really adorable. I love the cat and mouse game that is played in the first story. It really adorable how they trick each other but really love each other! ^_^
This was a joy to read loved the personalities and romantic appeal of the two characters. Especially how the main female can keep trying to act like a non Virginia. It was funny and cute! ^_^
I love the manga artist she is one of my faves but the story in this did displease me a bit that is the main one featured. The guy seems to be very rude and arrogant and that doesn't change much towards the end. When reading it you get a very oh gosh I kind of hate this guy vibe. But otherwise it was good! ^_^
Seriously adorable I love the whole at first you think it's a sex slave deal until you realize he treats her like a princess. My only complaint is some of the art design but otherwise the story is really cute and entertaining! ^_^
I don't usually mind hot steamy scenes but this one was a so so for me. The love and the steamy parts where not really a good mesh in some areas but otherwise it was a very good read.