
spicewolf19's Reviews & Ratings

The art is beautiful. The chemistry between the characters is amazing. The main couple is hot!
The art is just beautiful!!!!!
It was short and sweet. The art is beautiful and detailed. I wish this wasn't a oneshot though. I would have loved to seen them actually grow into being in love with each other. I feel like this short plot could be developed into something even greater and different from all the other “Love Manga” plots. It's even different from the mainstream romance manga plots which could be turned into something fun and new in the romance genre.
This story was adorable!!!! The author added just enough characters to make the drama fun but not enough to make you feel like you couldn't follow the romance of Kokoro and Arashi 100%. I loved the adorable art and the sexy scenes were placed perfectly! Kokoro doesn't feel just like a 2D character that is sickeningly cute and not relatable.
The artwork is amazing! I keep looking forward to the next chapter! The sensuality that exudes from both characters is hot and thrilling and the fact that there's so much chemistry between the two is incredible for not being in a set relationship yet. I'm totally fan-girling the MC's together!