
Mymomsname1's Reviews & Ratings

This manga makes the reader really want to have a roommate that is also your childhood best friend because of the love the two main characters share. The two of them share a unbelievable love but both have someone yearning to break them apart so that they may find a new interest. It shows human jealousy and unruffled love. It's either you love it, or you love it.
Who would've thought that a smart man couldn't understand the concept of love?!? This manga leaves much to the imagination and still makes the reader push for more after the chapter has ended. Each scene is its own major theme. The writer makes this manga so relative to those outside of the book and still make it seem like a dream!
There is a reason why this manga is mostly 5 starts. Throughout the whole story, the protagonist is sharing what is in her heart. It shows the reader how a heart can always change to different types of people but still return to the one they need. Plenty dirty for the minds eye, and each and every chapter would ameliorate to higher qualities.