Aimiya's Reviews & Ratings
Almost all of the story's conflicts get dropped in a matter of pages. Molesting professor? Gets yelled at by Leo, then is never seen again. Her debilitating fear of humans? Completely overcome in one page after talking to one person. Animal rival appears?? Interferes for a bit, makes a move, and then turns back into an animal. It felt like the story was either rushed or considered filler by the author, even though most of the main story was just Leo trying to sleep with Yuri. I wish there had instead been more development on their relationship or their problems. In fact, I would've dropped the whole two pages of professor "plot" for more Rabbie hi-jinks. But, the art is well drawn, and I liked Leo's character a lot. As long as you treat the main story as the only story and treat all the side stories as "something that happens" and not character or story development, it's fine. Sometimes, you just want a cute love story between a girl and her lion-man.