
SunnyEWA's Reviews & Ratings

There is definitely smut here. The art isn't terrible but feels a little undefined. Strangely the faces aren't bad except the expression doesn't always match the tone of the scene. The story could have been developed better. It reminded me of the stories my 13 year old writes. The premises was interesting but not explored fully or with the mature overtones that time brings.
The last 4 chapters are so worth trying to understand how that first chapter could be the same characters.
An amazingly sweet love story. This is the best written story in this Media about this subject I've read so far. Not that there are many to begin with. This was a thoughtful and fairly realistic expression of some of the feelings trans people can go through. Most have it tougher than her as many families are unable to cope with the change their children feel needs to happen. My heart jumps with happiness when I see parents supporting their children in these circumstances. I like that the author allowed her to have supports that most people lack in this situation.
It's an interesting reincarnation story. I totally love the multi-person relationships, but Curt is a but hypocritical in relationship equality. No one said loving a God is fair though.A previous reviewer mentioned the part that became chibi. I think it's the author's way of helping the characters expressing the growth of physical relationship into an emotional one. You get to decide if it works or not. It worked for me
I'm currently stuck at volume 12 waiting for the next installment. I very much enjoy this story and am patiently waiting for the next installment. Ok maybe not so patiently as I'm at a cliffhanger waiting to see how the story is moved along. LOL -Sitting on my hands and kicking my feet-
This story has an age gap, but it's like the level of maturity of the characters is swapped. The feelings are very deep between the two. I love how the author doesn't step around the question of ethics by using their support characters to play with which scenario is more unethical. It's a good slice of life with some moral ambiguity to make you wonder if we are correct in how we handle life's issues.
I understand the point of view of a few of the reviewers about the female character. I still really enjoyed it though. She is a bit of a cry baby and gives up way too easily. That said both of the main characters are trying to balance familial duty, belief, and modern thoughts on how a person lives. It ends in a sweet relationship once they work through their communication issues and world views.
Well the previous reviewers got their wish as it gets interesting in #4. I though the first three a sweet back story. I'm sure it'll get figured out but it's starting to get bumpy. I'm looking forward to next parts.
The story most definitely keeps you coming back. Orginally I was going to give it 4 stars but my romantic ideas aren't the artist's fault. Key words here are communication is a cornerstone of poly relatationships.
I'm at volume 9 and waiting as patiently as possible. It does start with a supper sweet/cute beginning, but the way the story keeps pulling you in from volume 5 on is beautiful. Both of them seem to be socially inept in their own ways and how they became that way is gaining momentum. I hope she gets to protect Tia. I want to thank the author for creating such "real" characters.