
ebookrenta0471zkekz's Reviews & Ratings

Liked where it seemed to be going . . . Artwork . . . and . . . it . . . just . . . ends.
I liked this book. So much, that I obtained a copy of the printed Harlequin Romance version. Quite different order and longer. The trilogy was called Summet Weddings - 'A Bride for the Runaway Groom' & 'Falling for the Bridesmaid' are the others dealing with her sisters. Not yet done here, but bought used copies.
I enjoyed the 'ride' to the end. Seems realistic. Nice artwork. Hated the end . . . could not believe two in love would agree to that 'relationship'.
I loved the way chapter 22 started . . . their talk on having kids . . . their love for each other . . . and then THAT ending ! It was an 'OMG! OMG! OMG!' event . . . I want , no I NEED the next chapter NOW!!! Please . . .
Really enjoyed the realistic story telling , but (SPOILER. ALERT) would have loved a bit more - wedding either western or Japanese . However there was an error that cropped up twice - in a real post-op MtoF the vaginal lining is made from the skin of the penis turned outside in & the glans can pass for a cervix . In a 'real girl' the lining is a mucus membrane, and when aroused lubricates making sex mostly non painful . In the MC's case she would need K-Y (TM) jelly or some other lubricant for either sex or "taking care of my body" as she says . In case you wonder , a transplant of an original female reproductive tract would be self defeating as the anti-rejection drugs (circa 1980s - now?) block implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus. Unless a diety , aliens , or some other plot device is used . . .