Bibimap's Reviews & Ratings
If you like diabolic lovers, you'll like this. The heroine is pretty much the same in terms of personality and her reactions to the things that get done to her, and the dudes pretty much treat her the same as the vampires in DL.
That escalated quickly o_o
Bruh...she just LAYS there, unrestrained, and lets the guy do what he wants. All. The. Time. At least be a bit believable and put up a fight for character development. Its like her arms become wet noodles once her boobs are out.I started out liking this series as a guilty pleasure, but my patience with how paralyzed Hina is when a guy she doesn't want is all up in her business really starts to get as old and crusty as her prison jumpsuit must be.
Pure rape fantasy scenario. Those who would get triggered by such should definitely stay away. The art is mediocre otherwise, the characters are flat and there isn't really anything satisfying about the smut. Personally only recommend this if you're really bored and have read everything else on the site.