
randumbpho's Reviews & Ratings

Please give this a yandere tag. I love manipulative childhood friend stalker yanderes.
This needs a femdom tag. It's hard to find a vanilla femdom story where the FL isn't abusive or it's just male butt play. Read this if you want PIV scenes with femdom, light male bdsm and blushy MLs that aren't twinks.
I love Umenokoppe's works and so excited to finally see an official English release for this short series. If you're not familiar their works, be ready for male yandere leads and dubcon/noncon, great art and a story that will give you feels. It may not be for everyone but if these are your kink, you will be satisfied with this meal and come back for more.
Read this is you like seeing lewd actions being forced on a really submissive female MC. Each chapter delivers with the spicy love content that you're looking for.3 out of 5 stars because I'm not a fan of the art style, weak plot and hard to like characters. The art isn't bad, just not my preference. I'd like it more if the lewd scenes were more graphic, plot was more believable (I know it's supposed to be a dirty fantasy for readers but it's a bit much to swallow), and if female MC wasn't so submissive. Hard to tell if I'm victim blaming her or she's submissive for the sake of sexy plot.To the 1 star reviews. Give it low stars if it doesn't deliver the lewd content it advertises or executed it poorly. Not because you don't like dominant male leads when the title is