
Boobsbutts69's Reviews & Ratings

No consent. Just another abusive main MC and an assaulted main FC. No thanks.
This doujin...perfection.The sex scenes are incredibly hot and the chemistry between the love interests characters is @.@ This is such a refreshing story and I hope to see more chapters and more stories from this mangaka.
I absolutely love the childhood friends trope! And Haruka is mischievous and sexy. So far the story is not overly dramatic or deep, but very entertaining. It gives you enough to keep you coming back for more.
I am in love with this manga!It is so refreshing to have a bisexual main character that isn't treated like a joke or just plain abusive. This is the kind of arrogant male character that should be the standard in romance novels rather than the cold manipulative one we usually see. I love his response to her past relationship and I hope we see her become more confident and self-assured throughout the story.I realize it is early on and I am making some assumptions but so far I adore what I have read. Recommendation: Heck YES!
Super cute!My husband is in IT and pretty much handles all tech needs at his office. So this is great for me XD