
mellowfluff's Reviews & Ratings

Nice art and good story! It gets steamy quickly. Cant wait till the next update!
Pretty good! Story is not very deep but.. we aren't really here for the story now, are we? Love scenes are good and it gets to the point quickly. But the scenes are over just as quickly as they started. For the price you pay, not bad. This title is not going to be in my top 10 fav love mangas but somewhere in my top 25 probably.
i don't think this is worth the points. Im not in to the art too much and the sex scenes are just okay. Stories are also short and shallow.
Cant wait for the next update!!! This manga is so good. Has really great eechi scenes while having a good story. Its not just hentai and smut. The characters are very dynamic as well!
I want more chapters! But first chapter is pretty good. Some story, some background, and gets in to some steamy scenes quickly but not all the way. I like the art too!