Cressellia's Reviews & Ratings
Love this first chapter so far! The characters feel like people with layers we have yet to see. I really liked that the MC was more upset about how her Ex called out all her insecurities than his cheating. Also love how refreshing it feels to have background characters to just make settings feel a bit more filled out! Really looking forward to the next chapter, can't wait to see how the MCs continue working together with this spicy night under their belts!
It's completed!?! But it seemed like there could have been so much more! Well it was good, kind of rushed, but the art is absolutely adorable and I really enjoyed the characters! I like the hint of yandere in the main guy, and how his possessiveness isn't taken to some sick extreme that harms the MC^^
I'm really enjoying the characters. The MC is really adorable and kinda of spastic and the love interest has a moe thing going for him! I hope the chapters release often because they end at such abrupt cliffhangers. So far the only part I don't understand is why the MC linked her attempt to be girly to Love Interest-kun getting napped but it's pretty easily overlooked as her anxieties just getting the better of her.
Personal bias here, this was surprisingly addicting. The pacing felt pretty rushed in some places and a lot of the conversations felt disjointed, but I enjoyed it. Very sweet story, I simply changed some things in my head while reading it to make it better for me.
The story is so good!!! I'm so hooked I just couldn't put it down! I really hope another chapter comes out soon. The characters are very human and the focus on their terrible communication is believable. I'm just so happy that it doesn't rely of "classic" misunderstanding scenarios. Also the fact that the girl is homely but cute is refreshing.