GAA1's Reviews & Ratings
Love these two... Completely my favorite. Worth buying
I would have liked it better if the boy was at least 18. I do not really care for an adult / minor match up.
Agree with the above review. The kid is not cute. He reminds me of Shin Chan. Only I found him to be annoying not funny. But putting him aside, cause I did not hate the kid. The over all story was good. I always buy but money wise worth the rental cost imo
Maybe some what of a Spoiler.... I read all that has come out thus far, and they been engaging, it leaves you wanting to know what going to happen next. I also love the art work. However, I do fear the story line is taking a turn in a Direction I don't care for personally. I do not enjoy psycho stalker type story lines which I fear is what this is turning into. I know I would like a heads up when a story line is about stalkers or forced sex when possible so I can avoid them. So take my review based on that, cause like I said otherwise it is engaging with good art, which is why I gave it 5 stars. I am invested into this so I hope it turns back around. Will edit or add a New review if it dose.
It is a cute story, but felt it was a little to short to completely enjoy