Sasafras82's Reviews & Ratings
Possible spoilers in my review.I love the relationship between the main characters, but jeez the supporting characters can be such jerks. Rima's supposed best friend is gonna sit back and watch as this random girl from Rima's husband's past comes in and says she's gonna take Rima's man. Her best friend literally just says 'I love the drama' and just watches it all happen. And her husband's best friend also talks with this girl, and even though he disagrees with her, is also gonna sit back and watch it happen and even goes as far as to ask what her plans are!?!?!?!? HORRIBLE PEOPLE.
I love it!!!! The whole split personality thing is so intriguing. I really have no idea what direction this will go, and I'm super excited to find out. I can't wait for a second volume.
I am so excited to read more, that last volume left on a bit of a cliffhanger.
The first story was okay, the second story was awful because the boyfriend was a real jerk in my opinion, but the third story was nice and had a good amount of depth to it for a short story.
This story is so cute. I love that it is a long story too, so there is a nice slow burn instead of a rushed love story.
So cute, I really wish that they would make a second volume. If a second volume is made I hope it focuses more on the main couple, rather than her boss and best friend.