
Alunsford97's Reviews & Ratings

So far so cute! The back story and Dr Samejima's adorable insecurity about his smile is just great. It also already has some pretty HOT sex scenes! Which I'm very much here for! Just as a warning there is an non-con scene with a non love interest but it is handled really well so you don't have to stay on it for more then a few panels. I'm really excited for more to come out my only complaint being that I have no idea when that will be!
Super cute, silly and awkward. I thought the flow was good and it left me wanting more even at the very end. Someone mentioned the love triangle at the end needing flushed out and I have to say I think for this story it went exactly how it needed to and felt complete, that being said the character Asuma actually has his own story that is one of my favorites called The Guy I Hate that I absolutely recommend! Especially if like me you liked the character and wanted more of him