ebookrenta0cciw6egp's Reviews & Ratings
If you're unsure whether you'll be into this story, here's a few tidbits that might help: daigo doesnt express feelings through words, so at first he will seem pushy and really unpleasant. The way chiaki responds to him will at first seem like it's a noncon relationship, but I promise it isn't. The juicy sex scenes can be very... well it's a lot, and daigo will look almost emotionless and passive about feeling chiaki up and having his dastardly way with her. Until maybe chapter 5 or 6 he starts to reveal his feelings for her (not to her of course, gotta keep her guessing am I right?).If this is your favorite dynamic, you'll love this. Hands down one of the hottest stories I've rented. If you're not into this dynamic (because I'm sure not), consider giving it a chance.
Yes yes yes! Okay so at first Tomoe is this flowery, timid girl that cant express her feelings, but later she finds her courage and it just ignites this romance even more. She might still be timid when it comes to her desires, but she can say what's bothering her after her bully beau proves his own feelings to her. Such beautiful art, the story is so so soo cute. You might not like the troupe this starts out with, but please keep reading, the dynamic changes! Easily one of my faves.