
gossipytau's Reviews & Ratings

It's cute so far, though I have to keep my expectations low as it's neither original or particularly logical in it's execution, even for that genre. Worth a read if you like the genre where everything goes perfectly for the main character, the love interest pretty much falls in love at first sight and everyone is basically either good or bad with no shade pf grey to be seen.
I liked it! It was cute and the angsty spots were resolved quickly enough to keep the whole thing fluffy and slightly humorous along with the smutty parts. The art was really good and I liked the characters a lot. overall a light but utterly enjoyable read!
That was really cute and I liked there was one couple with a different body type thrown in! I still think their relationships escalated too fast, though, from barely knowing each other to the first kiss to immediately sleeping together, but I guess that's part of the genre! I'd still loved to see them more though!