TVKat's Reviews & Ratings
I had bought the first three chapters but had to rent to rest. I TRIED OK! It was boring as hell. The story circles around itself to the point all the panels looked the same. There's no scenes that stick out besides the panels that are illustrating jokes or lewd scenes, even those are poorly executed. I know love mangas usually center around two characters but this one feels so forced like “THESE TWO ARE GOING TO BE ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED WITH EACH OTHER AND YOU'RE GONNA LIKE IT!!!” Yet the events and story progression is so awkward that the speed of the development of it just jumbles into a mess. It's cringy how unrealistic the scenario it's based off of too. The whole weeb trying to educate her boss about love while never zero IRL experience and being sexually involved with him. I wish I could give this a lower rating than 1 star.
Bruh the protag drools like a dog, theres much slobber is this love manga from both the protag and the love interest that it can lube up the dry hand job that this love manga's attempt any romance. Usually when you start a story with “Well that escalated quickly” smut the first two to four pages 9 times outta 10 It's decentish. Reading this was like riding that one ride at the cheap carnivals or festivals that goes in a constant loop and couple bumps, you know the one. Also love interest is a DOUCHECANOE like those entitled dudes that get rejected by their crush get their fweewings hurt then that's their excuse to treat women like garbage. Not just the protag but the girl he used for “can you seeing that pussy in the window” to make the protag jelly. Then the protag does the dumb hoe dance that we've all played before and has sloppy sex with him again. Icing on the cake he asks her to suck his dick then gets mad, BOI WHY!!!?
Gotta love that lightsaber peen and if vanilla is your flavor then it's all you can eat ice cream. The writing it has its moments where you might get a giggle or two but that's about it, goes all down hill after that falling into the same pattern of most cliche love manga plots.Those who love more classic art style that got you off when you were 13 but as an adult it might not satisfy that unless you like that nostalgia.The protag of course is insecure, jealous and when the love interest practically is throwing himself at her. She pulls the mopey sad routine seeking validation and when he gives her it OF COURSE she doesn't believe so he's like I shit you not something like “JK LOL forgot I said it”. She then gets mad at him, crying and then they have make up sex like no big deal everything is Gucci.Which of course the sex is like omg nooo don't touch me there that's my no no square!!! and male love interest is like Imma touch it anyways!