
niyis's Reviews & Ratings

The art was very cutesy, as were the characters. It's hard to believe men of their age acting this way? Maybe it's just me, but it was too fluffy, with nothing actually interesting going on, and too many unbelievable moments.
The story sets you up one way, then really lets you down and wimps out, also there is zero smut.
Almost no smut whatsoever. The story is rushed, and all over the place. A bit disappointing, and I'm sad I bought it instead of renting.
So sweet, so cute, zero smut. I did enjoy the story, and the how silly some of the side characters were, and it makes sense with the 17-yo that they'd refrain from smut, but that's not what I want to read.
I'm always a sucker (haha) for a good vampire story, and this one is hot! But fyi if typos and other errors are a deal breaker for you, this one is absolutely littered with them. Makes me want to call up the publisher and offer to work "pro bono" for their BL department, heh.
The story is bland, boring, and about thimble deep, but who cares? The smut was fantastic. Just skim the "plot" and enjoy, because sensei knows how to write it. Chef kiss!
I really thought this was a manage story, but alas, it very much is not. So even though it was good smut, ok writing, and good art, I ended it feeling disappointed. I think I'll like it more on future re-reads.
Heart meltingly cute and beautiful art, but zero smut. The most you get is a tiny little kiss. Still worth a read!