
lovemekyoya's Reviews & Ratings

Oh my God....love is such a beautiful thing even when you feel like you have lost the love of ur life
a mom that cares for her kids but finds love though the storm was sooo beautiful
this made my heart melt soo much after being frozen over by my forgotten love awwwe
omg it was hard to watch him lie about loving her and then she goes and do the same thing but they find their love in the end yay
it was beautiful how love at first sight can turn into lifelong happiness between two people
it immediately made me go and read like 2 of this stories cuz I loved the preview and couldn't stand where it left me hanging
it was soo beautiful that love can form in the most stubborn of people and the way he expresses his love was soo beautiful that I was screaming and wishing this could be me
the different stories made me want to go and read the complete thing
the most beautiful part of all was that he was a grown man not knowing how to show love to the woman he truly loves
So romantic....the most beautiful part was the love confession.....