
lovemekyoya's Reviews & Ratings

I fell in love with the man of the sea because I understand where he's coming from and the love that develops at sea last forever just as much as the sea keeps flowing onward
Love the fact that even though their parents couldnt get pass their destiny , they grabbed hold of theirs and made it into an unforgettable love story that will live on throughout everything and that they are building a family together with love for eachother and the blessings from their parents.
the two sores are just soo different but it makes you want to experience what its like to be in love with a prince and try to help him in any way possible way and the first story just make you want to do anything you can just to receive the love from someone special
Love always prevails in any situation n it was proven in the storyLove it :-D
Love the legends of foreign countrys that just make one fall in love with wanting that same kind of love story and want to make it into real life.
Love the twist of her being an artist welder and how she hired a man ti be her husband and the man that showed up wasnt the person but she fell in love with this mysterious friend of her brother's. LOVE UT LOVE IT LOVE IT :-D
Love the idea of a prince falling in love with someone after they got married...... :-D