CherryBerry's Reviews & Ratings
Ignore the low score reviews. If you read the premise and chapter 1, and couldn't tell what you were getting into, you only have yourself to blame. The former student calms down after the first couple of chapters as he tries to be more mature for his former teacher. The low scores are heavily exaggerating the content based of two chapters. Yes it's aggressive and has dubcon elements but it calms down. Also if you are old enough to read this your old enough to know horny fiction isn't harmful. People reading horny fiction isn't going to affect their real life morality. It's frankly shocking that people who want to play morality with fiction think taking advantage of a drunk woman(chpt 1) is less aggressive than a sober one(chpt 2). As far as I'm concerned they're equally aggressive. If you dislike any sort of dubcon element in fiction, definately pass on this, but it's hardly the noncon Stockholm syndrome story some of the low reviews suggest.
I bought this series on the Japanese Renta, I thought it was alright. The art was good enough but basically if sadistic boys, psuedo incest, and student teacher relationships aren't your thing then you probably won't enjoy this. Also I thought the little brother looked like Lelouche from Code Geass and I was kind of into that.