
chicobaby04's Reviews & Ratings

It was sad at first but it's good story I like it very much I enjoyed it
Tanya really did a wonderful Jon of making a comeback with stocks and all. I'm glad Harry realize his feeling for her before all is lost I think this manga is good and enjoyable to read
I really enjoyed this, it's nice to learn what it is like back then nothing beats learning what different cultures are like and stuff like that it's good manga
I really enjoyed reading his it's really good manga I like it very much, will read again
At firsts I felt that Giovanni were very arrogant man but I'm glad that wasn't the case after reading this and first one I will say I like this one better but both are still good
That's one hell of drama but it's really good and some of it is tragedy might be little heart breaking story
Nit sure how they come up with name arranged bride for the title when it wasn't arranged it was favor but still this was good manga I like it very much Gino were gentleman would be nice if there were more men like that
This is really a good manga I enjoyed it very much especially masks part, it's interesting to learn something new about other country's culture it's really a good manga I recommend it
I knew there were something fishy with faleeda couldn't believe she would kill her over jealousy that is several years old. It was interesting to read. Not the best sheikh story but it was okay
It's really sad that Thea's grandma controlled her life and making her live the life to her liking, I'm glad there is atleast one person who were willing to give a helping hand who would have thought they would fall for one other