
chicobaby04's Reviews & Ratings

This is nice story. Not the best but it was enjoyable to read, too bad the ending wasn't real though would have been nice if it was
It's good that gabe were able to finally let go the guilt chains that held him down regarding to the baby. I'm glad Andrea and gabe still decided to staying ogether even though the reason for marriage fell though I'm glad they fell in love just in time it's good that she was able to have baby of her own as well as gabe's this is touching story
It's really sad that Rosalind found out in cruel way of who her husband jalmsid really is and that he was killed in action I think it was wonderful that najib offered her a job to learn history and all that and it was god that Rosalind were able to see jalmsid in dream and able to move on, who would have thought she would fall for najib as well spas he fell for her I thought they made perfect couple though i will admit I like 2nd one better though
I really like this one very much I'm glad ilana were able to be saved from all those horrible things grant did to him The methods xandro used was wrong but it worked out pretty good, wish the storyline were little longer though would have liked to find out whether if it's confirmed that she's pregnant as well as gender not that it's important but would very much make this story more completed
I thought form. Minute Larry were crazy in his head but guess not, scared me for a minute. This is really an sweet and cute story I like reading this one
Comparing this to Bryce braddock's story I like other one better though this one is also very good I loved how Katie outdid herself with planning the party this is really good story as well as touching
This is really a cute story as well as adorable, it was funny that they ended up going through all that stuff only to find out the rose they chased after were fake lol. Wouldn't it be nice if love like this is easy to have. Bad thing about it is will be much more higher reproductive but not like it isn't the case now anyway but I would love to have a love such like this
I really enjoy those kind of stories. Emma sure is very brave lady to endure and willing to do things to save herself as well as others especially with miss Stephanie and her mother. This is really interesting story
This is really a touching story. I'm glad Alex were able to help Reinaldo get out of debt that was caused by a friend of his father. Anyway this is really good story I enjoyed it very much
I think macro made right choice by choosing Emily and the baby, he might regret leaving the country but he would have regretted it more if he choose country instead of emily and baby. It's really a good story