
JenFaust81's Reviews & Ratings

This story is hard for me to read. There is "defloration" in it. So, it isn't a fun read for that reason, but we have a MMC (Duncan) who is unlike other MMCs. He cares for the FMC in such a way. You need to read to know. The villains/monsters etc that hurt/etc the FMC...well something happens to them. It's the best part of the story. The art is nice as well.
I wasn't really sure about this story. I am soooooooo glad I took the chance and bought it all. It's so good! I want more!!!! I want to know what happens to Hana and Sana. Do they get their wishes granted? I really hope so!
I have always liked this story. He boss is so cute!! Sigh. Love it!! I've read it so many times!
I love sensei's art. It's so beautiful. The characters...Declan is the best one really. Which seems odd to say lol Even the main girl was one I disliked for awhile! I mean...I dislike cheaters and those who help them cheat. Though she seems very naive about everything. In the end, it was a pretty good story.
Loved this! I want more from the author please!! It was worth the money.
I don't get what the other person who reviewed is talking about. I don't get a racism feel to the first story I believe they said *shrug* I enjoyed it. *shrug*
This story is hilarious. Well, I think it is. I couldn't help laughing. It also seemed ridiculous. It was fun to read again though :)
I really liked this. The story idea was great. The only downside I guess you would call it is that it is too short!
This is one of my favorites. I highly recommend it! I re-read it a lot.
okay wow. For a moment I thought things were going to end badly....I know I know...an HQ that ends badly??!?! lol But yay it didn't! It's a good read with lovely art.