
riversong25's Reviews & Ratings

Okay... I wonder exactly WHAT gave Lorenzo and his mom the idea that Nina was the 'mistress' his future stepdad was seeing on the side? It's not like she was broadcasting her dad's name around, since SHE didn't even know her dads name seeing how there was no info on him other than he was from Sicily. So what was the clue that SHE was 'looking' for Lorenzo's future stepdad that made him go looking for HER specifically out of all the women in Sicily?
I don't see why it should be an issue. All she wants is the baby, which she PAID who knows how much for to become the mother of. Why should she marry the dad just because the CLINIC made the mistake? If he didn't want some random woman having his baby, why donate to a sperm bank to begin with where ANYONE could have gotten it? I'd have told the jerk hell no when he insisted on getting married and demand that he sign tge paper giving up his parenal rights, and tell him that if he wants a heir so badly then go have it with someone who actually WANTS to marry him, because neither SHE or HER baby are on the marriage market. *lol*
If i were Victoria I'd have let the dad rot. The jerk not only cheated against a prince, but he had the NERVE to try and barter his way out of HIS problem by offering HER to the prince? I would have told them to throw the jerk in jail and demand to be allowed to go to back to bed, or demand to know if I wad fired because of what daddy did and ask to be allowed to get dresses and pack my belongings and catch a flight back to America.
*lol* if I were in Whitneys situation, I'd tell the guy where he can SHOVE that absurd notion that I'd become his replacement bride just because HIS mistake cost him his current one. She went to bed ALONE in that bed didn't she? HE wasn't in it when she got in at the time, so why should she be 'punished' by marrying the guy because HE got into HER bed while she was asleep and his fiance 'caught them' and broke things off without waiting for an explanation.I mean come on. The ex-fiance alone had to be an idiot. Sure the two of them were found 'in bed' together, weren't they both FULLY dressed in the clothes they came there in? They weren't buck naked OR looking like they just had hours (depending on how long the guy was gone before the fiance came looking) of hot and steamy sex. Yet despite both of them still being fully clothed, the idiot fiance gets the wrong idea and breaks things off with him.