Rinisama's Reviews & Ratings
Didn't really care for the incest chapter, but the rest of the manga was cute.
They're far too cute. I can't take it. Lovely story all in all, kinda wish it was like tbh.
I regret buying this. Yuri pissed me off the entire time. Slaps Leo for looking down someone's shirt then immediately almost has sex with the rabbit.Like she's SUPER easy, to the point that it's gross. I wish I could get the time and money I spent on this back.
It's a very cute manga, I just wish it was a bit longer is all. Otherwise good read.
The chapters are mixed up which makes it a bit hard to follow the story.
It's good, only it's unfinished. I'm not sure if it's still being worked on or if it was abandoned. But I hope they post more soon.