User Reviews For: That Unexpected Side to my Childhood Friend -Watch Out for the Animal in Him!-


Really the best thing about this comic is the art and expressions.But I was really disappointed with the guy. I understand that some people like noncon/dubcon, but with everybody using words like "cute" to describe this manga, I wasn't expecting things like that. The character is clingy, forceful, and threatens any guy that talks to the main girl character. I can get behind the dominant boyfriend archetype, but his "moves" make her cry. Any time she talks to a guy, he gets dragged to a bathroom or whatever to get punched or menacingly threatened. Maybe I just don't personally understand the tropes and their appeal, but I think there is a way to portray an attractive, aggressive male character without completely taking away a girl's agency to speak to whomever she wants. Again, I know people like this stuff, but I think the comic should advertise itself less like a cute love manga for teens, or at least not make light of scarily clingy people.

I'm a fool for friends-to-lovers, every single time!! This first chapter leaves off on a BIG cliffhanger. But regardless I already really like it. Hana and Takeru have like reversed gender roles, which I also really like. Arts good. Pacing is super fast since we have a good understanding on their relationship. But Takeru better not be trying to change Hana!! Can't wait to see this

I'm going to go against the grain here, but the early parts of this story do have clear non/dubcon scenes coupled with the deception of the male lead. Certainly, there are worse stories out there but lies and dubcon coupled with the overall slapstick shojo comedy tones is weird. Is the male lead just a liar to save the female lead's brittle ego? Pretty sure what's making her feel insecure and freaked out is the fact that he won't be honest about his feelings, yet he gets sexually aggressive without any preamble. All that makes the absolutely top notch artwork feel like a waste. Make no mistake, the characters are all expressive and attractive, with flashbacks showing the leads as some of the cutest kids I've seen in manga.

Aha, I love it. I love childhood love and protector theme. First chapter only so we have yet to see Takeru's animal side but we're getting hints of a pervy beast. Hanako, bless her heart, is gun-ho about protecting her kind, pure, angelic Takeru. Oh dear, Takeru is gonna shock her big time! Love Hanako's embarrassed, shy reactions!

I seriously adore this couple. They are super cute! Male lead is quite obsessive over Female lead, sometimes may go far to threaten some males to stay away, but is it extreme? Not really. He didn't threaten every guy Female lead talked to, neither to punch them. (Don't know why top comment said he punched every guy when he didn't except delinquents) In fact, he allowed them to talk, just wary. There was a small dub-con in the forth chapter with fingering and licking FL as a punishment for being mean to him, but ML apologized to FL after seeing her cry. However, she was crying because she saw him getting cookies from someone! Not because of the punishment... Even then, she admitted she did like it, but of course, she wouldn't confess it to ML! FL saw ML as her angel, but ML wanted her to see more than that as he confessed her his love. He didn't dare to step further to push the boundary, leaving her to think of his confession. When he have a naughty side, he was still kind to his FL!

There's only one volume and I already love it! The art is so cute and fits the feeling of the story really well. Neither main character is too bland and I definitely can't wait to see where it goes!

It's so great I cried when I realized there was only one chapter out!!! The delinquent main character is the cutest!

I love the others author's works so I was very excited to see a new series form them! It is a very cute series and I can not wait to see more. I love the fact that the heroine is a delinquent, because there is not a whole lot of diversity in the types of female characters sometimes, so it is very refreshing to see that. The male character is adorable, but based on what was hinted in the first chapter and the title there is definitely more to him. Overall a great first chapter that I recommend to others!

Another promising title! The art is beautiful and expressive; the characters are adorable too. I have a soft spot for angelic boys with a nasty side.