
Seregil's Reviews & Ratings

4.5 stars, rounded up because of a bit near the end that made me lol irl. Gave it a shot even though the synopsis is worded a little funky. And it's... pretty wholesome? Aside from the main character being party to an affair, of course. It's hard to say much without spoilers, but I kind of enjoyed how everything was resolved in the end. No sex scenes (if that's a must-have in your BL), but it didn't need it.
Yearning, pining, and two dumb old (if you think 40 is "old") men getting together after literal decades of being together. You'll see what I mean. Worth at least a rent! I can't wait to see how it concludes!
A sweet read! Love how the leads navigate their lives, up to and including their eventual relationship. Tenma (the kid) is a real show-stealer (he IS everyone's angel!). Worth at least a rent! If the artist does more with this universe (those other hosts? the actor? even MORE Seiya and Ibuki?!), I'd definitely read it.
The slooooowest of burns. Gotta love a meaty, plotty series! There are two volumes available as of this review, and I can't wait to see where this series goes!
Warnings for noncon and (tw)incest. It's barely a step up from a PWP, which I do enjoy on occasion, but this was just... eh. There's a twist (I guess?) partway through (that introduces a 4th character) that I thought would lead somewhere more than it did. Also, marked Complete at 6 chapters, the ending is pretty abrupt.
Well, that synopsis doesn't quite cover how kinky it turns out Makoto is, haha...... Anyway, if you like gorgeous, buff men having lots of hot sex, this is worth at least a rent! The main story takes the bulk of the volume, but there's also a couple of oneshots. The relationships portrayed are pretty consensual (huzzah!), but there's one instance in the main story where there's voyeurism (specifically, a bunch of third-wheels watching) and Arata doesn't know about it at first (and he's briefly uncomfortable about it but does get on board at the end). I don't think the volume as a whole is meant to be humorous, exactly, but there's a lot to amuse (I enjoyed the oneshot of the guy with a big dick crushing on a guy with a great ass). A pretty fun romp, I thought!
This would have benefited from spanning more than just one volume. The plot moves kind of fast and some character development happens off-screen. But if you're into guys with glasses, boss/subordinate relationships, praise kink, or any combination thereof, this one's right up your alley!
If pining is your thing, then this title is for you! Shinobu is so thirsty it's a surprise he isn't a dried-out husk, haha! There's also a good bit of comedy, which balances out the angst quite nicely.
Pretty much a PWP, and it's delicious! Definitely could be longer. (Even a 2-shot would do!)
I hesitate to leave a review at chapter 1, but some of you, fair readers, just miiiight have a problem with "I maybe 12 in Earth years, but..." so here I am to save you a dollar. He looks like an adult, acts like an adult, has an adult career, is in-canon considered an adult by his society, but he's ~~~12.~~~ (Honestly, the detail is a little jarring even for me.) But I'm here for wacky hijinks and wacky tentacle smut. I'm not holding my breath that it'll turn out all 'consentacles' (sans the usual problematic BL tropes) or that it'll get anywhere beyond PWP (alien diplomacy? let's get some political intrigue in here!), but I'm absolutely willing to be surprised.